Spend Your Time On THESE Testnets In 2024; Guide To Incentivised Testnets⚙️

Incentivised Testnets Are The Next Big Thing. From Points to Tokens to Riches, It All Starts On Testnet

2024 is the year when many web3 projects are supposed to last launch due to the looming bull run. Currently, many projects are in the testnet stage. Incentivized testnets can be an easy and great way to qualify for multiple airdrops. In this article, we’ll explore the best testnets of 2024 to participate in.

What Are Incentivized Testnets?

Incentivized testnets are test networks where participants are rewarded with tokens or other incentives for actively engaging in testing, validating, and providing feedback on the functionality, security, and performance of a blockchain or cryptocurrency project. These incentives motivate users to participate and contribute to the development and improvement of the network before its mainnet launch.

Participation in incentivized testnets has attracted huge airdrop rewards in the past. Projects like Binance Smart Chain and Aptos rewarded their testnet participants with huge airdrops. Many other projects in their testnet phase have confirmed token allocations for testnet users.

The best incentivized testnets to take part in are:


Berachain is a Tendermint-based EVM-compatible Layer 1 blockchain that powered by a  Proof of Liquidity consensus model.

Berachain employs a tri-token model which includes: 

🐻 $BERA: A native token for paying transaction fees

🐝 $BGT: A governance token to drive liquidity supply from users

🍯 $HONEY: A native Stablecoin

Berachain has raised a total of $42M and is backed by some huge VCs, including Polychain Capital. Berachain’s public testnet was launched in January 2024 and is currently ongoing.

Testnet Guide

a) Add Berachain testnet to your Metamask using the following credentials:

b) Claim testnet tokens 

  • Go to Berachain faucet

  • Enter your wallet address

  • Click on the "Drip tokens" 

  • You’ll need to claim tokens a few times

c) Swap 

  • Go to BEX page

  • Connect wallet 

  • Swap $BERA to $stgUSDC

d) Swap

  • Go to BEX page

  • Connect wallet

  • Swap $stgUSDC to $HONEY

e) Pool

  • Go to BEX webpage

  • Connect wallet

  • Add liquidity to a pool

f) Trade

g) Galxe

  • Go to  Berachain Galxe page

  • Log in with your wallet

  • Complete social tasks

  • Take the quiz (Answers: C D D D A )

2. X1 Network(OKX)

X1 is a ZK-powered layer 2 that connects the OKX and Ethereum communities. X1 is developed using the Polygon SDK. The mainnet launch is scheduled for Q1 2024. Most likely, the listing will take place on many top CEXs, including OKX. Binance did huge airdrops for Binance Smart Chain, and OKX is likely to follow the trend.

Testnet Guide

a) Add X1 & Sepolia networks to Metamask

b) Mint $OKB testnet tokens

  • Go to OKX faucet

  • Connect your wallet

  • Mint OKB test tokens on Sepolia network

  • Get OKB from X1 testnet

c) Get some testnet ETH from Sepolia faucet

d) Bridge ETH 

  • Go to OKX Bridge

  • Bridge test tokens from Sepolia to X1

  • Bridge test tokens from X1 to Sepolia

e) Galxe Quests

3. Axiom

Axiom is a protocol that allows smart contract developers to access historical data from Ethereum and then perform intensive computations off-chain. Axiom provides a secure and efficient way to access Ethereum’s historical data without additional trust assumptions in smart contract applications.

Axiom recently raised $20 million in a Series A funding round led by Standard Crypto and Paradigm.

Testnet Guide

a) Add Sepolia network to Metamask and Claim testnet ETH

b) Axiom 

  • Go to repl.axiom.xyz

  • Connect your wallet

  • Click on "Test circuit"

  • Click on "Generate keys"

c) Complete steps

  • Stay on repl.axiom.xyz

  • Click on "Generate proof"

  • Click on "Send Axiom query"

  • Confirm transaction

d) Axiom log

  • Stay on repl.axiom.xyz

  • Check the left Log

  • If there are no error alerts, then everything is good.

4. Metis

Metis is a layer 2 network built on Ethereum to reduce gas fees and improve scalability. Metis raised $6M from OKX Ventures and others.

Testnet Guide

a) Add Metis to Metamask

b) Claim testnet tokens

  • Go to Metis testnet

  • Connect your wallet

  • Claim Test Tokens

  • Another option is to request $METIS test tokens via TG BOT

c) Interact with Enki

  • Go to ENKI testnet

  • Connect wallet

  • Mint & Stake.

  • Swap $seMETIS  for $eMETIS

  • Mint & Stake

  • Claim rewards

d) Claim ENKI

  • Go to ENKI faucet

  • Enter the wallet number

  • Select token $ENKI

  • Click Drip

e) Stake ENKI

  • Go to ENKI staking page

  • Connect wallet

  • Select $ENKI

  • Select the number of tokens

  • Stake

5. Pryzm

Pryzm is a Cosmos-based protocol that pioneers a layer 1 blockchain solely focused on tokenizing and exchanging future yield. Their ambitious roadmap aims to revolutionize multiple sectors, including LSDs, yield tokenization, proof of liquidity and liquid governance. 

Pryzm has announced that it will airdrop 20% of the supply (200m tokens) to the community this year. Snapshot is taken every week  

Testnet Guide

a) Install Keplr Wallet

  • Go to keplr.app

  • Click “Download” and install the Keplr browser extension

  • Set up a new wallet

  • Add the Pryzm network directly from the “Add More Chain” section

b) Claim testnet $PRYZM

c) Swap

d) Add liquidity

e) Liquidity bonding

f) Pulsetrade

g) Flowtrade

h) Staking

6. Taiko

Taiko is a decentralized protocol utilizing ZK-Rollup technology to scale Ethereum's capabilities while closely mirroring its technical and non-technical aspects. It achieves this through a layer-2 architecture that is decentralized, permissionless, and secure, supporting all ZK-EVM opcodes.

Taiko has secured $22m in funding from leading venture capitalists, including Sequoia and GSR.

Testnet Guide

a) Add Taiko and Sepolia networks to your Metamask

  • Go to Chainlist

  • Connect your wallet and add both Taiko and Sepolia networks 

b) Claim testnet tokens (Holesky ETH)

c) Claim Testnet Tokens (Holesky HORSE 

  • Go to Taiko faucet

  • Copy and paste your wallet into the tab

  • Confirm

d) Bridge

  • Go to Katla bridge

  • Connect wallet

  • Bridge $ETH to Taiko Katla

 e) Swap 

  • Go to Taiko swap page

  • Connect your wallet in Taiko Network

  • Swap ETH to Horse

  • Swap ETH to USDC

 f) Liquidity pool

  • Go to Taiko pools

  • Click on the "New Position" button

  • Select (ETH-USDC) pair and choose 0.05% Full Range rater

  • Enter providing amount

  • Approve USDC and add liquidity

d) Gaming task

  • Go to Crypto Rumble

  • Connect wallet

  • Mint hero

  • Play 3 different games

  • Choose a different boss each time

  • Set the game to AutoBattle mode and just wait

e) Galxe quests

  • Go to Taiko Galxe page

  • Connect wallet

  • Complete simple tasks

  • Answers for quiz C - A - C - D - C

7. Fuel

Fuel network is building the fastest modular execution layer for the modular blockchain stack. Fuel will use Celestia’s data availability layer to deliver the security and scalability together with a seamless experience for developers. Fuel raised $81,5М from Blockchain Capital, Spartan, and other VCs.

Testnet Guide

a) Fuel wallet

  • Go to Fuel Wallet

  • Back up your recovery phrase.

  • Choose a password

b) Sepolia network

c) Request testnet tokens 

d) Request Sepolia ETH

  • Go to Sepolia faucet

  • Signup or Login 

  • Paste Metamask Address & Claim

e) Bridge

  • Go to Fuel bridge

  • Connect MetaMask & Fuel Wallet

  • Enter ETH amount & Deposit

f) Fuel Art

  • Go to Fuel art

  • Connect Wallet & Sign In 

  • Mint an NFT

  • Create your own NFT

g) Ecosystem

h) Guild & Discord

  • Join Guild

  • Join Discord

Other Incentivized Testnets

Other testnets not highlighted in this article are:

  • Mind

  • Espresso

  • Avail

  • Nibiru

  • Lava Network

  • Nulink

  • Kinto


or to participate.